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Carrer Francesc Camprodon, 14, 17401 Arbúcies, Girona, Spain

Lugar/Nombre hotel
The Hotel Torres, situated in the centre of the small village of Arbúcies, is a small and quiet rural getaway in a beautiful natural setting. Hidden in inland Catalonia close to the stunning Montseny Natural Park, the Torress lovely rooms boast air-conditioning, refrigerator, TV and free Wi-Fi. B...The Hotel Torres, situated in the centre of the small village of Arbúcies, is a small and quiet rural getaway in a beautiful natural setting. Hidden in inland Catalonia close to the stunning Montseny Natural Park, the Torress lovely rooms boast air-conditioning, refrigerator, TV and free Wi-Fi. Breathe in the fresh mountain air on your private balcony, enjoy breakfast in your room in the morning, and take advantage of the tranquillity to read in the library. Make the most of the hotels packed lunch service to explore the surroundings, including excellent hiking opportunities in the area.


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